Part I
You outright buy the land from us. You own it. Titled, inscribed with the National registry. It’s yours. The terms we have put together should open the door for anyone interested in having a foot in Costa Rica $ 7,000 down and $ 550 p/ month, interest free, for 5 years. Total price of $ 40,000 USD.
Part II of this offer.
On your land we will plant 20 Mangosteen trees.
Your investment will include:
1. The land to plant your trees
2. 20 trees planted
3. Maintenance on the land and trees
4. Harvesting of the fruit
5. Sale of the fruit at the market.
The average yield on Mangosteens is 500 fruits per tree (but as you will read from the ages of 20 - 45 years these trees have been known to produce 1000-3000 fruits per tree) At today’s wholesale market they are selling at $ 1.25+ per fruit.
20 trees X 500 fruits will yield around 10,000 fruits. Figuring on a value of $ 1.25 per fruit you would be looking at $ 12,500 per harvest. This will be split 50% to you and 50% to us, that is a return of $ 6,250 yearly on your land investment, and it never stops if you don’t want it to. At funding you will receive a contract with us for a 10 year commitment. At the end of the 10 years if you don’t want to continue, or if you want to do something else with the land, it will be yours free and clear.
OK, that is the upside, here is the other side. Our trees are now between 2-4 years old. Mangosteen trees take 3-5 more years to harvest. So for the first 5 years there may be no returns, but again after that time you will be looking at a return of $ 6,250 + per/year. Coincidentally, the 5 year growing time corresponds exactly to the 5 year payoff on the land, after that you have 5 years more on the 10 year contract with us….5 years @ $ 6,250 / year = $ 31,250….just about a break even on what you paid for the lot and now you can just sit back and count your earning.
Mangosteen Catalog